2 reviews
Product Description
- Potash Mobilizing Bacteria (CFU: 2 x 109 Cells / ml)
- SUN BIO POTASH is a potash solubilizing bio-fertilizer which mobilize the available potash in the soil and make the same available to the root zone/ plant system, by breaking the bonds between the Potassium and Silica molecules in the Clay and Soil Colloids, which immobilize the applied Potassium Fertilizer.
- Potash is a major nutrient for all plants and it is required throughout the plant life cycle especially during fruit set and fruit development.
- Enhances early root development, leading to increase in plant growth and subsequently greater yield.
- Increases the efficiency of applied potassium containing fertilizers as well as water use in plants
- Increases quality of the produce.
- Promotes root hair development and branching.
- Elicits rapid cell development in plants.
- It increases root growth and improves drought tolerance.
- Crops:
- Cereals, Millets, Pulses, Oilseeds, Fiber Crops, Sugar Crops, Forage Crops, Plantation crops, Vegetables, Fruits, Spices, Flowers , Medicinal crops, Aromatic Crops, Orchards and Ornamentals.
- Seed / planting material Treatment (Per kg):
- Mix 10 ml of SUN BIO POTSH in cold jaggery solution and apply evenly on seed surface. Dry treated seed in shade before sowing and use on same day.
- Seedling Treatment:
- Mix 10 ml of SUN BIO POTASH in 1 liter of water dip seedling roots for 5-10 minutes before transplanting.
- Soil Application (Per Acre):
- Mix 1 liter of SUN BIO POTASH with 50-100 kg of well decomposed manure or cake and apply evenly on moist soil.
- Drenching:
- Mix 5-10 ml of SUN BIO POTASH in 1 liter of water and apply near root zone by drenching.
- Fertigation (Per Acre):
- Mix 1-2 liter of SUN BIO POTASH in water and apply in the root zone through drip system.
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