

24 reviews

Product Description

About Product

  • Velum Prime Nematicide is a revolutionary Nematicide that offers long-lasting protection against Root-Knot nematodes.
  • Velum Prime technical name - Fluopyrum 34.48% SC
  • Velum Prime contains fluopyram which belongs to pyridinyl-ethyl-benzamide group.
  • Velum Prime is a robust insecticide known for its systemic action that targets nematodes and other harmful pests providing comprehensive crop protection.
  • Velum Prime Nematicide is compatible with various crops, making it a versatile solution for different agricultural settings.

Velum Prime Nematicide Technical Details

  • Technical Content: Fluopyrum 34.48% SC
  • Mode of Entry: Systemic
  • Mode of Action: The active ingredient fluopyrum selectively inhibits Complex II of the mitochondrial respiratory chain of nematodes. Following application of Velum prime, nematodes cannot generate energy to sustain hence initially take on the shape of a needle, become immobile and eventually die.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Fast, effective and long duration control of Root knot nematodes safeguarding crops from root damage and promoting healthy growth.
  • The systemic action of Fluopyrum ensures thorough coverage, reaching plant tissues and offering prolonged protection against a range of pests.
  • Safety profile for the operator and the environment.
  • Low application rate and high flexibility in application.
  • Profitable and sustainable farm management.

Velum Prime Nematicide Usage & Crops



Crops Target Pest Dosage/Acre (ml) Dosage /L of Water (ml)
Tomato Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) 300 2


Method of Application: Drip or Drenching (Apply Velum Prime during planting or as part of pre-plant soil treatments for optimal nematode control)

Additional Information

  • It can also control root knot nematodes in carrots and potatoes.
  • Velum Prime is compatible with sticking agents.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.

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