Kan Biosys
2 reviews
Product Description
About Product
- Taba- G contains Zinc solubilizing Bacteria of Acinetobacter calcoaceticusin granule formulation.
Technical Content
- Zinc solubilizing bacteria-1%
Features & Benefits
FEATURES- Soil Application
- Eco-friendly, Nontoxic, Residue-free granule based Biofertilizer for Zinc supplementation.
- Suitable for use in conventional as well as organic farming practices
- Mobilize nutrient uptake by solubilization of zinc in the soil
- Enhance plant's nutrient uptake by reducing the loss of fertilizers due to leaching
- Stimultaes beneficial microbial activity in the rhizosphere
- Development of white roots
- Improves size and quality of yield and fruits
- Stabilizes soil aggregates.
CROPS- All crops
- Bacillus sp. as Zinc solubilizing bacteria. It can grow under wide temperature [10-40C] and pH [6.5-10] range and solubilize Zn.
- These bacteria secrete organic acids and solubilize insoluble zinc [Zinc oxide/ Zinc carbonate/ Zinc Phosphate] present in soil and make it available for plants.
- Thus, TABA G ZSB bacteria improve plant growth as well as crop yield by improving the uptake of important plant micronutrient, Zinc by plant. Improved zinc uptake by plant helps in improving the uptake of N, P, K nutrients.
- Dosage (per liter and per acre) : 4 kg/ Acre
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