3 reviews
Product Description
SV6881SN Sweet Corn Seeds
Early Maturity, More Row Per Cob, Sweet in taste.
♦ Plant Height : 150 to 160 days
♦ Maturity : 75 to 85 days
♦ Cob Length : 18 to 20 cm
♦ Rows per Cob : 16-18
♦ Tip Filling : Good
♦ TSS : 15-16%
Tips for Growing Sweetcorn
Soil : A well drained loamy soil is ideal.
Sowing time : June-July & Sept to Jan.
Optimum temp. for germination : 20-26 C
Spacing : Row to Row : 60 cm, Plant to Plant : 30 cm
Seed rate : 3 to 4 kg / acre.
Preparation of Main field: Deep ploughing and harrowing. Add Well decomposed FYM : 10-12 tones / acre. Make the ridges and furrows at the required spacing. Irrigate the field and dibble the seeds at the recommended spacing. After sowing light irrigation should be given for quick and better germination.
Chemical Fertilizer : Fertilizer requirement varies with soil fertility.
NPK : kg/acre
Crop stage N P K
● Before Sowing 60 80 80
● 30 to 35 days after sowing 90 00 00
● Flag, leaf and emergence stage 90 00 00
Total 240 80 80
Apart from the above NPK dose, application of 4 kg Zinc Sulphate and 2 kg Boran per acre 30 - 35 days after sowing for getting the better quality cobs and higher yield.
Isolations : To get superior quality sweet corn, isolate the sweet corn crop from Corn/ Maize
crop. This can be achieved by the following ways.
a) Isolation distances : Sweet corn fields should be at least 100 to 150 Meters away
from Maize/Corn fields.
b) Time Isolation : Maintain 15 to 20 days difference between sweet corn and maize / corn sowing for obtaining difference in pollination period.
Irrigation : Sweet corn require adequate irrigation during plant development, pollination and grain filling stage. Stress during pollination will cause improper pollination and poor tip fill.
Harvest: The cobs should be harvested when the Kernels are in milky stage. Under normal conditions, cobs will be ready for harvest 20 to 24 days after the silk emergence and pollination.
Sowing Season
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