Pioneer Agro


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Product Description

  • Flowers of Strychnos nux-vomica are white or greenish white and fragrant.They occur in many flowered terminal cymes.
  • Calyx is five lobed, pubescent, and small, about 2 mm in size, while corolla is salver shaped and has five lobes.
  • Corolla tube is cylindrical, greenish white inside and slightly hairy near the base. Stamens are five in number and have short filaments.
  • Fruit is an indehiscent berry, 5–6 cm in diameter, thick shelled, orange-red when ripe with fleshy pulp.
  • Seeds are discoid, compressed, and coin like, concave on one side and convex on the other, and covered with fine grey silky hairs.
  • Flowering occurs from March to May and fruits mature up to December
Seed specifications:
  • CommonName : Strychnos Nux-Vomica
  • Flowering Season :Feb-Apr
  • Fruiting Season ;Nov-Mar
  • No.of Seeds per kg : 750
  • Germination Capacity :30%
  • Time Taken for Initial Germination : 25 days
  • Time Taken for Germination Capacity : 55days
  • Germinative Energy : 20%
  • Plant Percentage : 20%
  • Purity Percentage : 100%
  • Moisture Percentage : 12%
  • No. of Seedling Per Kg : 150

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