Alok F1 Hybrid Sponge Gourd Seeds
3 reviews
Product Description
- Dark green fruit
- Length-20-25 cm
- Fruit weight:100-150 gm
- Ideal in summer and rainy season
- High yield potential,
- Early and profuse fruit set
- Sowing Period 1: June - July
- Sowing Period 2: January - February
- First Harvest: 45 - 50 Days
- Seed Quantity Per Acre: 1 - 2 Kg
- Sowing distance between rows/ridges: 120 - 150 c.m.
- Sowing distance between plants: 90 - c.m.
- Sowing Depth: 2 - 3 c.m.
Physical Features:
- Colour: Dark Green
- Size: Length : 20 - 25 cm
- Width - 3 - 5 cm
- Weight: 100 - 150 Gm
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