Ridomil Gold Fungicide
67 reviews
Product Description
About Product
- Ridomil Gold Fungicide is a combi product that can help you protect your crops from fungal diseases.
- Ridomil Gold technical name - Metalaxyl 4%+Manconzeb 64%
- Due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties, Ridomil Gold SL protects vegetables, citrus, potatoes and tree nuts from soilborne oomycete diseases (including late blight and Downy mildew).
- Ridomil Gold Fungicide also improves stand, root health and crop vigor and has flexible application methods and a clear, easy-to-use formulation.
- It is a fast-acting fungicide.
Ridomil Gold Fungicide Technical Details
- Technical Content: Metalaxyl 4%+Manconzeb 64%
- Mode of Entry: Contact fungicide
- Mode of Action: Metalaxyl – M (Acylalanine) inhibits protein synthesisby intererence with the synthesis of ribosomal RNA and Mancozeb (Dithiocarbamate) exhibits multisite contact activity.
Key Features and Benefits
- Unsurpassed protection against soil-borne oomycete diseases.
- Excellent crop protection due to hyper-systemic uptake and translocation properties.
- Ridomil Gold Fungicide is effective in seedling stage and nursery stage.
- Easy-to-use formulation.
Ridomil Gold Fungicide Usage and Crops
Crops Target Disease Dosage (g) / Acre Dilution in water (L/acre) Dosage (g) / L of water Waiting Period (days) Grape Downy mildew 1000 200 3-5 8 Potato Late blight 1000 200 3-5 24 Black Pepper Phytophthora foot rot 1000 200 3-5 Not less than 21 weeks Mustard Downy mildew, white rust, 1000 200 3-5 60 Chilli nursery Damping off 600 200 3 53 Pomegranate Leaf spot & fruit spot 500 200 2.5 5 Cauliflower Downy mildew, leaf spot 500 200 2.5 3
- Method of Application: Foliar Spray
Additional Information
- Chilli Nursery: Apply required fungicide solution in the nursery as soil drenching using rose can. Apply it in the seed bed before the appearance of disease.
Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.
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