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Technical Name: Propineb 70% WP
Protocol (Propineb 70% WP) belongs to dithiocarbamate group of fungicides is a contact fungicide based on Propineb Technical containing 70% w/w. Propineb as active ingredient. Protocol is used as a foliar spray for the control of fungal diseases in different crops. Protocol is indispensable in anti-resistance strategies due to its special mode of action.
Mode of Action:
Propineb interferes at different locations in the metabolism of the fungi; on several points of the respiration chain, in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, in the cell membranes. This multi-site mode of action of Propineb prevents development of resistance in the fungi. First spray at the appearance of disease symptoms. Repeat spray at an interval of 7 to 10 days.
- Protocol has a contact action and is a broad spectrum fungicide.
- Protocol is well distributed and adheres on to the plant surface.
- Protocol interferes at different locations in the metabolism the fungi.
- Protocol controls conidia or germinating conidia by contact action.
- Protocol is an important source of zinc to many crops and exhibits excellent phyto-compatibility for various crops.
- Protocol is an ideal partner for alternation with sprays of other fungicides or for tank-mixtures.
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