EBS Fungi 5X Fungicides

Essential Biosciences


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Product Description

  • Hexaconazole 5% SC is a systemic fungicide used for the control of powdery mildew of mango and grapes and the Sheath blight of Rice.
  • Active Ingredient: Hexaconazole: This systemic fungicide belongs to the triazole class and is known for its effectiveness against a broad spectrum of fungal diseases in crops.
  • Concentration: The formulation contains a 5% concentration of hexaconazole. This concentration level indicates the amount of the active ingredient in the suspension concentrate
  • Suspension Concentrate (SC) Formulation: Hexaconazole 5% SC is formulated as a Suspension Concentrate, which means that the active ingredient is suspended in a liquid solution. This formulation allows for easy mixing with water and application as a spray.
  • Target disease: Scab in apple, Tikka leaf spot in groundnut, Powdery mildew in mango and blast, and Sheath blight in rice.

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Features & Benefits

  • BroadSpectrum Activity: Hexaconazole exhibits a broadspectrum control against various fungal diseases, including powdery mildew, rusts, leaf spots, and other pathogenic fungi. This versatility makes it valuable for managing multiple diseases in different crops.
  • Systemic Action: The fungicide acts systemically, meaning it is absorbed by the plant and translocated within its tissues. This systemic action protects treated plants from the inside, making it effective against both existing infections and preventing future ones.
  • Preventive and Curative Action: Hexaconazole 5% SC can be used both preventively and curatively. It can be applied before the onset of fungal diseases to prevent infections and also as a curative treatment to control existing infections.
  • Flexible Application Methods: The fungicide can be applied through various methods, including foliar spray and soil drenching. This flexibility in application allows farmers to choose the most suitable method for their specific crops and the targeted diseases.
  • Compatibility: Hexaconazole 5% SC is generally compatible with other agricultural inputs. However, it is advisable to conduct compatibility tests before tank mixing with other pesticides or fertilizers.
  • Residual Activity: The residual activity of Hexaconazole helps protect for an extended period, reducing the frequency of applications and ensuring sustained disease control."
  • Hexaconazole 5% SC is an effective systemic FUNGICIDE FOR PLANTS, Gives excellent control of all classes of fungi viz. Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Deuteromycetes, It is a unique fungicide with protective, curative, and eradicant action, Hexa 5 Plus Hexaconazole gives effective results on fungus in plants. Suitable for Integrated Pest Management practice.
  • Goodness
  • Water-based formulation
  • Good leaf surface coverage
  • No additional sticker required
  • Good efficacy in the field
  • Safe to the environment & user


  • Groundnut, Mango, Cotton, Chilli, Grapes, and Paddy
  • Scab in apple, Tikka leaf spot in groundnut, Powdery mildew in mango and blast, and Sheath blight in rice

  • Hexaconazole acts as a triazole fungicide by inhibiting the biosynthesis of ergosterol, a crucial component of fungal cell membranes. This disrupts the growth and development of the fungus, ultimately leading to its control.
  • For Domestic Use take 3 ml of Hexaconazole per 1 Litre of Water. 250 to 450 ml. per Acre is recommended via Foliar Spray for large applications.
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