Confidor Super Insecticide



18 reviews

Product Description

About Product

  • Confidor Super Insecticide combines the proven properties of Imidacloprid, one of the world’s bestselling insecticides.
  • It is enriched with superior improved suspension concentrate formulation enabling better absorption and resulting in longer persistence.
  • It is highly effective against most sucking insect pests.

Confidor Super Insecticide Technical Details

  • Technical Content: Imidacloprid 350 SC (30.5% w/w)
  • Mode of Entry: Contact and Systemic action
  • Mode of Action: Imidacloprid is an antagonist to the nicotinic acetyl-choline receptor in the central nervous system. It disturbs the proper signal transmission system leading to excitation of nerve cells. Consequently, a disorder of the nervous system occurs leading finally to the death of the treated insect.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Bayer Confidor super Insecticide provides precision pest control by effectively targeting a wide array of pests without harming the beneficial insects.
  • It provides systemic action and is relatively safer to natural enemies and acts selectively on sucking pests. It is thus ideal for an IPM programme.
  • It helps to increase the efficiency of wetting, spreading and absorption on the leaf surface.
  • Ease in application and very economical insecticide providing convenience to farmers and growers.
  • Application results in better and vigorous growth with stress shield effect.
  • Ideal for integrated pest management (IPM) programs.

Confidor Super Insecticide Usage & Crops

Recommended Crops & Target Pests

  • Cotton: Aphid, Jassid,Thrips
  • Rice: Brown plant hopper,White backed plant hopper
  • Dosage: 0.3 - 0.5 ml/ L of water
  • Method of Application: Foliar Spray/ Soil Application and Seed Treatment

Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.

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