KARISHMA TOMATO ( करिश्मा टमाटर )
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Product Description
Karishma (For Summer season)
♦ Plant Type : Determinate
♦ Fruit Colour : Attractive red
♦ Average Fruit Weight : 80-90 g
♦ Fruit Shape : Elongated Square
♦ Firmness & Shelf life : Good
♦ Days to First Harvest : 55-60 days
Tips for Growing Tomato:
Soil : A well drained loamy soil is ideal.
Sowing time : As per the regional practices and timings.
Optimum temp. for germination : 25 - 300C
Transplanting : 25-30 days after sowing.
Spacing : Row to Row: 90 cm, Plant to Plant : 45 - 60 cm
Seed rate : 50 - 60 gm / acre
Preparation of Main field :
Deep ploughing and harrowing. Add well decomposed
FYM: 8-10 tones / acre. Make the ridges and furrows at the required spacing.
Irrigate the field and make the holes at the recommended spacing. Transplanting
should be done during late afternoon, after transplanting light irrigation should be
given for quick and better establishment.
Chemical Fertilizer : Fertilizer requirement depends on the soil fertility
First dose 6 - 8 days after transplanting: 50:100:100 NPK kg / acre
Second dose 20 - 25 days after first application: 25: 50 : 50 NPK kg / acre
Third dose 20 - 25 days after second application: 25: 00:00 NPK kg / acre
At the time of Flowering: Sulphur (Bensulf) 10 kg / acre
At the time of Fruit Setting: Boracol ( BSF-12) 50 kg / acre
Spray Calcium nitrate (1%solution) at the time of flowering (To increase fruit set).
Spray Urea & Soluble K (1% solution each) at 15 days interval during harvesting time
(To increase no. of pickings.)
Sowing Season
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