

18 reviews

Product Description

Revus Fungicide is a unique contact and translaminar fungicide mainly used to control Downy Mildew and Late blight on Fruits and Vegetables Due to its unique Lock & Flow feature, it provides complete protection and safety to the crop .Revus provides effective protection to the new growth, tender leaves and buds. Rapid flow of Revus Fungicide gives a quick protection shield to the leaves as well as protection from rain.

Technical Content: 23.4% SC Mandipropamid


  • Highly effective on the target fungus
  • Complete protection against the fungus
  • Stops the secondary spread of the fungus

Mode Of action: Revus inhibits the biosynthesis of phospholipids and cell wall deposition, thus effectively inhibiting the germination and spread of fungus

For better disease management, it is advisable to use Revus fungicide in preventive spray programme.

Mode Of application: For Grapes first application- Bud bursting stage, Followed repeat application as per protocol .Vegetables- Applied at Initiation of reproductive stage, generally at 45-55 Days after transplanting.

Dosage: 0.8ml / liter of water

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