Katyayani Organics


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Product Description

About Product

  • Katyayani Activated Humic Acid + Fulvic Acid is an Eco-Friendly Biologically Activated product. It is an excellent input in modern agriculture.
  • It is a 100% organic and natural product and it is designed to improve the soil quality and enhance the plant growth and yield.
  • It can be used for various crops such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, and cereals.
  • It can be applied as a foliar spray or a soil drench, depending on the crop and the stage of growth.

Katyayani Activated Humic Acid + Fulvic Acid Technical Details

  • Technical content: Biologically Activated Combination of Humic Acid Fulvic Acid 98%
  • Mode of action: It acts as a natural Chelator (by providing a high cation exchange capacity) to improve the uptake of minerals, nutrients, and trace elements by plants.

Key Features & Benefits

  • Katyayani Activated Humic Acid + Fulvic Acid helps in better Chelation which makes more nutrients available to your crops.
  • It could largely stabilise nitrogen and release lock up phosphorus in soil and increase soil water holding capacity.
  • It helps break up clay and compacted soils, assists in transferring micronutrients from the soil to the plant, enhances water retention, increases seed germination rates, penetration, and stimulates the development of microflora populations in soils.

Katyayani Activated Humic Acid + Fulvic Acid Usage & Crops

Recommended crops: Paddy, wheat, sugarcane, orchards, cotton chilies, banana, soybean, groundnut, vegetables, fruits, flowers, major plantation crops, medicinal and aromatic plants, and all other crops especially high-value crops.

Method of Application & Dosage:

  • Soil application: 1-1.5 g / L of water
  • Foliar application: 10-15 g / 15 L of water
  • Fruit crops: After 15 days of planting: spray 10 grams in 15 litres of water every 10-12 days interval till fruiting. (mango, lichi, guava, lemon, orange grape banana, papaya)
  • Vegetables: after 15 days of sowing spray 15 grams / 15 l of water every 10-12 days interval till fruiting. (potato, paddy, jute, wheat, barley, mustard, sesamum, ground nut, sunflower, soybean, cotton)

Additional Information

  • It is treated with silicon wetting agent for complete wetting & penetrating of the plants thus low dosage is required and faster results with complete penetration.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Always follow the recommended application guidelines outlined on the product label and accompanying leaflet.

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