

2 reviews

Product Description

About Product

  • Paranex is a non-selective, fast acting, contact herbicide, absorbed by the foliage.

Technical Content

  • Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL


  • Paranex acts in the presence of light to dessicate the green parts of weed plant with which it comes into contact.
  • It does not affect the brown mature stem and bark of tree.
  • The product is very fast in action and controls weeds within 48 hours.



  • Imperata cylendrica, Setaria spp., Commelina benghalensis, Boerhavia hispida, Chenopodium Spp., paspalum conjugatum, anagallis arvenis, Triathema monogyma, cyperus rotundus, fumaria parviflora, digera arvensis, trianthema portulacastrum, eragrotis sp., Fimbristylis sp., Ageratum Conyzides, Echinochloa crusgalli, Brachiaria mutica, marsilea quadriofoliata, rosa moschata, rosa eglanteria, rubus ellipticus, Eleusine Indica.


  • Tea, Potato, Cotton, Grape, Rubber, Sugarcane, Sunflower, Paddy, Wheat, Maize, Apple, all fruits, non-cropped area. Custom


  • Tea (300-2000 ml/acre), Potato (800 ml/acre), Cotton (500-800 ml/acre), Rubber (600-1000 ml/acre), Rice (500-1400 ml/acre), Wheat (2 Litres/acre), Grape (800 ml/acre), Apple (1300 ml/acre), Coffee (400 ml/acre), SugarCane (800 ml/acre), Sunflower (600 ml/acre).

Click Here For More Herbicides

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