Foost Herbicide
15 reviews
Product Description
About Product
- Foost is a selective herbicide on corn which controls both pre & post emerged weeds.
Technical content
- Atrazine 50% WP
- Atrazine functions by binding to the plastoquinone-binding protein in photosystem II, which animals lack. Plant death results from starvation and oxidative damage caused by a breakdown in the electron transport process.
Targeted weeds:
- For control of Trianthema mongyna, Digitaria arvensis, Echinocloa spp. Elusine spp., Xanthium Strumarium, Brachiaria sp, Digitaria sp., Amaranthus viridies, Cleome viscosa, Polgygonum sp. In Maize. Partulaca oleracea, Digiteria sp., Boerhavia diffusa, Euphorbia sp., Tribulus terrestris in Sugarcane crop.
Dosage: 500gm per acre
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