Craze Herbicide
1 reviews
Product Description
About Product
- Craze (Pretilachlor 50% EC) is a pre-emergence, broad-spectrum herbicide of Chloroacetamide group which controls all type of weeds in rice. Craze absorbed primarily by the germinating shoots, and secondarily by the roots, with trans-location throughout the plant, giving higer concentrations in vegetative parts than in reproductive parts.
Technical Content
- Pretilachlor 50% EC
Features & Benefits
- Craze is applied before emergence of weeds, within four days of transplanting.
- Craze controls both narrow and broad leaf weeds before the emergence.
- Craze gives control for a longer time.
- Craze is safe to rice crop as compared to other weedicides used in this crop.
- Craze is suitable for integrated weed management.
Mode Of Action
- Selective herbicide. It is taken up readily by the hypocotyls, mesocotyls and coleoptiles, and to a lesser extent, by the roots of germinating weeds. Keep 2-3 cm water in the crop and spray uniformly, immediately after transplanting to 4 of days of transplanting or Treat 20-25 kg dry sand with 500 ml of Craze and apply it in the crop immediately after transplanting to within 4 days of transplanting.
- paddy
- All narrow and broad leaf weeds- Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum Cyperusdifformis Cyperusiria Fimbristylismilliacea Eclipta alba Ludwigiapulviflora Leptochloachinensis Monochorea vaginalis Panicumrepens
- 500 ml
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