Crystal Crop Protection
2 reviews
Product Description
- Sulphin Fungicide is an inorganic multi-site non-systemic contact and protectant fungicide.
- Its dust free, flowable micronized sulphur granules, with ease of measuring & handling.
- It has parcle size of 2 to 6 microns and instant dispersion & high suspensibility in water, therefore it doesn't cause scorching.
- It has triple action as fungicide, micronutrient (Sulphur) and miticide.
- There are no stains on fruits & leaves after spraying & leaves do not get burnt.
Technical name: Sulphur 80% WDG
Crop: Grapes, Apple, Cowpea, Cumin, Mango, Pea, Guar
DIseases Controlled: Powdery mildew and sulphur deficiency
Dose\Acres - 750 - 1000 gm/acre
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