T. Stanes
2 reviews
Product Description
T Stanes Spotless Fungicide is an eco-friendly broad-spectrum bio-fungicide/bio-bactericide contains plant extracts that act by inhibiting the germination of fungal spores and bacterial cells by inflicting damages to their cell wall. It is used for controlling leaf spot diseases.
- Spotless is organic in nature and non-toxic product
- It is compatible with chemical fungicides/pesticides.
- It can be used in Integrated Disease Management programs.
- Eco-friendly in nature.
Mode Of Action: Spotless inhibits the germination of fungal spores and bacterial cells by inflicting damage to their cell membrane. The damage caused ultimately results in the death of the plant pathogenic fungal spores / bacterial cells.
Recommended crops and Diseases
- Chilli– Leaf spot disease caused by bacteria
- It also controls other leaf spot diseases in a wide range of crops.
Dosage : 250ml/acre or 750ml / ha
- 2ml/ Liter of water, mix and spray.
- Foliar application: Spotless spray can be started soon after observing the small spots on the leaf.
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